
Proud To Work With Balfour Beatty

Balfour Beatty

Focusing on Promoting Construction To Young People

It has always been important for us to work with the best in the business, and we work hard to continue our long-standing partnerships with these companies all over the world.

However, it is even more rewarding when these partners go out of their way to give something back to the community; especially children.

Balfour Beatty & Bournville School

Recently, Balfour Beatty visited Bournville School to take part in a question and answer session with the year 9 BTEC Tech Award students.

During this session, their aim was to give them an insight in to the world of work and construction. They also gave the students a tour around the new primary school site which is in its last few weeks of construction.

“We are extremely proud to work with a construction company who are promoting the construction trade to young people.”

You can read more on this on the Bournville School Website.



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